The G-Team


I am so proud and inspired by the community we have built at Gaglione Strength we call the G-Team!

The G-Team is a diverse community of athletes of all ages and abilities who share the passion and desire to become their best selves and support their teammates on their strength journey.

We live by a philosophy in and out of the gym. Living your best life doesn’t begin and end with your training session.

That is why our motto at Gaglione Strength is:



Be a student of the game. The smarter you train the more time you will have to spend working on other aspects of your life. Learning and understanding why you are training is critical to your success and optimizing your performance in all other areas of you life.

Always strive to be a little better every day and keep on learning. Never get to the point where you think you are “good enough.” You can always get better in everything you do. Constantly invest in your education and have a coach to guide you through this process.


You should be EXCITED to come and train and be motivated to reach your goals. Your attitude and energy should be infectious to others and you should strive to be a leader in whatever you do. Lead the pack and be a role model to others. Be passionate about what you do in training and in life. Live each day to the absolute fullest and always focus on the positive.


Be the best in whatever you do. Whether it be your job, your school, or your team, be the best you can be. Train to become the strongest version of YOURSELF both mentally and physically so you can dominate all areas of your life. This type of training isn’t for everyone, but for those that have the inner strength to complete it will learn to deal with adversity and gain the ability to conquer all obstacles inside and outside of the weight room.

G-Team Philosophy on Training


Work Hard- Great success is not going to come easy. In order to be the best you must to put in the time and the effort.

Be Consistent- It isn’t enough to work hard part time. Attaining a high level of success requires consistent focus in order to keep moving forward.

Never Give up- At some point you are going to hit hardship in your life. It is important to not give up when things get tough. If you never give up you can’t lose.

Have SMART Goals- You need a destination before you start driving. The best map in the world won’t do you any good if you don’t know where you’re going. Knowing how to write your goals is a critical step toward your success. You need goals for ALL areas of your life. Have Specific and Measurable goals that mean something to you. Take clear Action steps to to reach your goal. Have a strong Reason to reach your goal in the Timeline you have set.

Be All In! When you have a goal that is TRULY important, you need to be ALL IN. If you are 100% committed to your goal 100% of the time you will be successful. If you don’t give 100% then you will never realize your full potential.

G-Team Expectations

We have high expectations for all of our members to ensure you are in the best training environment for success.

Give YOUR Best Effort-

There are going to be days when you don’t perform as well as others. On days you are feeling great kick your training up a notch. On days you are feeling beat up, lower your intensity and do what you can. If you consistently give your best you will continue to make gains in the long run.

Treat others with respect-

Respect is earned. In order to be respected you need to first give respect out to your peers. We are a judge free zone. Get to know each other and offer support. Treat others how you want to be treated. Be a role model.

Ask for help and give out help-

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you are not sure what to do ask someone who is more experienced than you. On the flip side if you are more experienced and you see something wrong, lend a helping hand and give back to others. The more you give the more you will get back in return.

Take responsibility for YOUR actions-

Everyone makes mistakes. The key is to own up to your mistakes and learn from them. Be proud of everything you do in all aspects of your life. If what you are doing is wrong, strive to do better the next time.

Have a Positive Attitude –

No matter what happens in your life understand it can always be better or worse. Always focus on the positive things and what you did well that day. When things are tough don’t use any negative self-talk. Be excited and passionate about getting better each and every day. Remember the group is a SUPPORT system. We will bring you up when you are down so when others are down we expect you to bring them back up as well. Attitude is everything. Surround yourself with positive people all the time. If you walk with the lame you will develop a limp.

Be Proactive –

All look for ways to leverage your time and get better. If you get finished early, get in some extra work. If someone needs help, help them out. If someone is doing something wrong tell them. Always look for ways to better yourself and better the group. Take massive action and start your goals today!

Attention to Detail-

Once you have the big picture figured out it is important to pay critical attention to detail. Focus on perfecting your technique on all of your exercises and get a little better at them every time you come to train. Don’t settle for average because you were born for greatness. Act as if you are already a champion. How does a champion act? A champion pays attention to all of the little things that are going to help him or her reach their goals no matter how difficult those things may be.

Be Prepared –

In training and in life always be prepared. It is always better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. When you are training bring the appropriate clothes and drinks to fuel your body during the workout. Prepare your meals ahead of time so your nutrition is dialed in throughout the day. Set reminders on your phone or computer so you get your work done on time and are on time for important meetings and appointments. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Get your stuff done ahead of time so you stay on track.

Live with Integrity –

Say what you do and do what you say. If you tell me you are going to be 100% committed to your goals then do it. Don’t tell someone you are going to do something and not follow through on it. Don’t support things that you don’t believe it. Promote things that in your heart you know are right. Stay true to your values, your passion and your mission. Don’t talk about it BE about it!

LIVE the Code –

Follow this code every single day. Don’t take days off from making yourself better. Live with these values all the time. If you stray away from them just remember WHY are doing it and WHAT you are doing. Ask yourself is what I am about to do taking me closer or further away from my goals and my perfect life? Is what I am about to do going to help or hurt the ones that I love? Living the code all the time isn’t easy which is why you should ALWAYS have a coach and a group to support YOU throughout YOUR life.